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Showing posts from May, 2019

My First Beltane

Beltane! I’ve known about this holiday since I was ten years old. In 1999, I received a CD as a gift: The Golden Land by Ceredwen, a Welsh-language New Age band. The fourth track on the album is called “Beltain.” The CD’s detailed liner notes explain: “Each year on the eve of summer, the Beltane fires are lit to welcome back the sun god Bel. After the dancing and merry-making, the bannock bread is passed amongst the tribes. Whoever takes the burnt piece becomes the ‘chosen one’—to be sacrificed to the gods to ensure a bountiful harvest.” Beltane also features prominently in the fantasy novel The Mists of Avalon , which I read for the first time when I was fourteen or so. The novel tells of a different version of Beltane: it is a night of sexual revelry that honors the divine relationship between Goddess and God. Clearly, this is a holiday that sparks creativity and gives birth to artistic expression. But what is its true story? Beltane is an ancient Gaelic festival that was trad...