I’ve been learning as much as I can about Paganism and I’ve realized there’s so much I don’t know. I was already aware of my ignorance in a general sense. Although I’ve been Pagan for years, I still think of myself as new to this. Now, though, I have a much better idea of where, specifically, my knowledge is lacking…and critically, I understand how to change that. Every time I say something like this, a handful of well-meaning (always male) friends tell me I shouldn’t be hard on myself, that I’m actually pretty smart, etc. So let me be clear. The things I’m saying here have absolutely nothing to do with “low self-esteem.” This is not me “being hard on myself.” And I know I’m smart. Becoming aware of the limits of my knowledge is evidence that I am learning. I find this exciting! It means I’m facing a challenge and I can see which direction I need to go to overcome it. As of right now, there are 24 primary source texts on my to-read list. There are 57 modern Paganism and witchcraft...
Walking the spiral path in 2023